Hearing Tests

Inman Audiology has audiologists providing comprehensive hearing tests in Troy, MI.

Hearing tests provide a comprehensive evaluation of auditory function. Choosing the right audiologist involves considering expertise, certifications, and patient reviews. 

Their testing differs significantly from hearing aid dispensers as it delves deeper into diagnosing underlying conditions and tailoring holistic solutions beyond just selling devices. 

Trusting an audiologist ensures accurate evaluations and personalized care that goes beyond merely addressing hearing aid requirements.

Why Would I Need a Hearing Test?

Regular hearing tests conducted by professional audiologists are vital for maintaining overall health and well-being. Hearing loss often develops gradually, and early detection through regular screenings allows for timely intervention, preventing potential complications.

At Inman Audiology, we offer a range of comprehensive hearing tests conducted by skilled audiologists. These tests include Pure-Tone Audiometry, Speech Audiometry, and Real Ear Measurements, providing a thorough assessment of your hearing abilities. Pure-Tone Audiometry identifies the softest tones you can hear, while Speech Audiometry evaluates your ability to understand spoken words. Real Ear Measurements ensure your hearing aids are precisely calibrated for optimal performance.

Choosing professional audiologists for your hearing tests is essential because they possess the expertise to diagnose various types and degrees of hearing loss accurately. Their specialized training allows them to identify potential underlying causes and recommend tailored solutions beyond just hearing aids.

If you find yourself asking, “Why would I need a hearing test?” consider the broader impact on your life. Untreated hearing loss can lead to social isolation, decreased cognitive function, and diminished quality of life. By scheduling regular hearing tests with our audiologists, you’re taking a proactive step toward maintaining not just your hearing health but also your overall well-being. Don’t delay – prioritize your hearing health today.

What are the types of hearing tests?

Hearing tests come in various types, each serving a specific purpose in evaluating different aspects of auditory function. These tests are conducted by audiologists to determine the extent and nature of an individual’s hearing abilities and any potential issues they might face.

Pure-Tone Audiometry: This test assesses hearing sensitivity by measuring the softest tones a person can hear across different frequencies. The individual wears headphones and responds to tones at various pitches, indicating when they hear the sound.

Speech Audiometry: This evaluation focuses on the individual’s ability to understand spoken words at different volumes. It measures speech recognition thresholds and word discrimination scores to assess how well someone can comprehend speech in noisy environments.

Tympanometry: Tympanometry assesses the health and function of the middle ear. It measures the mobility of the eardrum and the pressure in the middle ear, helping identify issues like fluid in the middle ear or problems with the eardrum.

QuickSIN (Quick Speech-in-Noise): QuickSIN is a widely used assessment tool in audiology to measure a person’s ability to understand speech in noisy environments. The test typically involves the presentation of sentences in the presence of background noise, and the individual is asked to repeat the sentences they hear. The QuickSIN test provides valuable information about a person’s speech perception abilities in real-world situations where background noise is common, such as in restaurants or social gatherings. 

Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs): This test measures the sounds emitted by the inner ear when stimulated by a sound. It helps assess the health of the cochlea, specifically the outer hair cells, aiding in detecting hearing loss in infants and determining the cause of certain types of hearing loss.

Real Ear Measurements (REMs): REMs involve measuring the actual sound level in the ear canal when a hearing aid is in place. This ensures that the device is delivering the correct amplification levels as prescribed by the audiologist.

These tests collectively provide a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s hearing abilities, identifying any hearing loss, its type, degree, and potential underlying causes. Audiologists use these tests to tailor solutions that meet the specific needs of each person, ensuring accurate diagnoses and appropriate interventions for improved hearing health. 

Understanding the purpose of each test helps audiologists develop personalized treatment plans that cater to the unique requirements of their patients.

Three main types of hearing loss

Each type of hearing loss presents unique challenges and requires specific diagnostic approaches. Understanding these distinctions enables audiologists to accurately diagnose the type, degree, and potential causes of hearing loss. 

  • Sensorineural Hearing Loss:
    • This type results from damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve. It’s often caused by aging, exposure to loud noises, genetics, or certain medical conditions like Meniere’s disease. Sensorineural hearing loss impacts the ability to hear soft sounds and understand speech clearly. 
    • Individuals may experience difficulty hearing conversations, distinguishing between similar-sounding words, or struggling in noisy environments. Treatment often involves hearing aids or cochlear implants, depending on the severity.
  • Conductive Hearing Loss:
    • Conductive hearing loss occurs when sound waves can’t pass through the outer or middle ear efficiently. Causes include earwax buildup, ear infections, fluid in the middle ear, or abnormalities in the ear’s structure. 
    • This type of hearing loss typically affects the volume of sounds rather than clarity. Individuals might find that sounds are muffled or faint. Treatments range from removing earwax or fluid to surgical interventions, depending on the underlying cause.
  • Mixed Hearing Loss:
    • As the name suggests, mixed hearing loss is a combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss. This type involves damage to both the outer or middle ear and the inner ear or auditory nerve.
    • Causes could be a combination of factors, such as a history of chronic ear infections coupled with age-related hearing deterioration or noise exposure. Treatment may involve a combination of therapies targeting both the conductive and sensorineural components of the hearing loss.

Regular hearing evaluations by audiologists help identify and manage these types of hearing loss, enabling individuals to lead fulfilling lives with improved hearing capabilities.

Hearing Test: What To Expect

During a hearing test, expect a series of painless and non-invasive evaluations conducted by a skilled audiologist. You’ll likely wear headphones and respond to sounds of varying volumes and frequencies. 

These tests assess your ability to hear different tones and understand speech. Tympanometry might be performed to examine middle ear function. 

The audiologist will guide you through each step, explaining the purpose of the tests. It’s crucial to communicate any difficulties or uncertainties during the process. 

These evaluations help the audiologist understand your unique hearing abilities, enabling them to recommend appropriate interventions or treatments tailored to your needs.

Hearing Test Results

Hearing test results are interpreted based on various measurements taken during the evaluation. These measurements, such as pure-tone audiometry and speech audiometry, provide detailed insights into your hearing abilities.

The results are presented in an audiogram—a graph displaying your hearing thresholds at different frequencies. Normal hearing falls within specific ranges on the audiogram, while deviations indicate the type, degree, and configuration of hearing loss. The audiologist explains these findings, detailing any hearing loss and its severity.

Depending on the results, the next steps may involve discussions about treatment options. For conductive hearing loss caused by issues like ear infections, solutions might include medical intervention or surgery. Sensorineural loss often benefits from hearing aids or cochlear implants. Mixed hearing loss may require a combination of treatments.

Understanding your hearing test results empowers you to make informed decisions about managing your hearing health. Regular follow-ups with the audiologist help track changes and ensure that interventions effectively address your hearing needs.

Hearing Test FAQs

  • Can I test my hearing in Troy, MI?

    • While self-administered hearing tests are available, professional evaluations by audiologists offer precise and comprehensive assessments. For accurate results and tailored recommendations, consulting a professional audiologist for a thorough hearing test is recommended.
  • Will I need to do anything to prepare for a hearing test?

    • No specific preparation is required for a hearing test. However, being ready to discuss your medical history, hearing concerns, or any exposure to loud noises can help audiologists understand your hearing health better during the evaluation.
  • Are there any risks to hearing tests?

    • Hearing tests typically pose no risks. They’re painless and non-invasive, involving listening to sounds and responding accordingly.
  • How reliable are online hearing tests?

    • Online hearing tests, though convenient, lack the precision and reliability of in-person assessments. While they might give a general idea, they can’t diagnose specific conditions accurately.
  • Can you do a hearing test on your phone?

    • There are apps available, but they don’t substitute professional evaluations. These apps usually assess basic hearing abilities and are not as comprehensive or accurate as tests conducted by audiologists in a controlled environment.

Hearing Tests in Troy, MI

At Inman Audiology in Troy, MI, our focus is your hearing health. Hearing tests are vital for early detection of potential issues, guiding tailored solutions for your unique needs. 

Trust our expert audiologists in Troy, MI, to provide accurate assessments and personalized care, ensuring you experience the world with enhanced hearing capabilities. Schedule a comprehensive hearing test with Inman Audiology today nd take the first step towards understanding and managing your hearing health. 

We are committed to working with our patients to ensure no family misses out on precious moments. The most important thing is getting you the care that you need as soon as possible. Don’t wait!

We are committed to working with our patients to ensure no family misses out on precious moments. The most important thing is getting you the care that you need as soon as possible. Don’t wait!