Inman Audiology | Audiology Services

Inman Audiology has audiologists providing expert audiology services in Troy, MI.

Welcome to Inman Audiology, where expert audiologists in Troy, MI, offer comprehensive hearing care tailored to your needs. 

Our range of specialized services encompasses accurate hearing tests, tinnitus evaluations, ear wax removal, real ear measurements, personalized hearing aid fittings, and a host of other solutions to enhance your hearing health and overall well-being.

Experience exceptional care and expertise at Inman Audiology for all your auditory needs.

Hearing Services in Troy, MI

Our dedicated team of audiologists ensures that you receive tailored care and effective hearing solutions. 

From addressing tinnitus concerns to optimizing hearing aid fittings with real ear measurements, we’re committed to enhancing your auditory well-being. 

Trust our expertise and personalized approach to elevate your hearing health right here with Inman Audiology in Troy, MI.

Audiology Best Practices

Audiology best practices refer to a set of guidelines and standards that ensure the highest quality of care and service in audiology. These practices encompass various aspects, including:

  • Comprehensive Assessments:
  • Individualized Care:
    • Tailoring treatment plans and recommendations based on the unique needs and preferences of each patient, considering factors like lifestyle, hearing goals, and personal circumstances.
  • Evidence-Based Approaches:
    •  Incorporating the latest scientific research and proven methods into diagnostic procedures and treatment options to ensure effectiveness and reliability.
  • Continual Education and Training:
    • Audiologists stay updated with advancements in technology, treatments, and methodologies through ongoing education and professional development.

At Inman Audiology, we adhere to these by providing precise assessments and personalized treatments and staying updated with the latest technology and research. Our commitment ensures tailored care and optimal outcomes for our patients’ hearing health.

Hearing Tests

At Inman Audiology, our Hearing Tests offer comprehensive assessments to evaluate your hearing health accurately. 

Our expert audiologists conduct a range of tests, including Pure-Tone Audiometry, Speech Audiometry, Tympanometry, and Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs), ensuring a thorough understanding of your hearing abilities and any potential issues.

  • Which hearing test is the best?

    • The “best” hearing test depends on individual circumstances and concerns. Different tests serve specific purposes. Pure-Tone Audiometry is common for assessing hearing thresholds, while Speech Audiometry measures speech understanding. Your audiologist will recommend the most suitable test based on your needs.
  • Can I test my hearing?

    • While some online tools and smartphone apps claim to test hearing, their accuracy and reliability may vary. Professional assessments by audiologists offer comprehensive evaluations, making it advisable to seek their expertise for accurate diagnosis and tailored recommendations.
  • Are online hearing tests any good?

    •  Incorporating the latest scientific research and proven methods into diagnostic procedures and treatment options to ensure effectiveness and reliability.

Tinnitus Evaluation

At Inman Audiology, our Tinnitus Evaluation service aims to comprehensively assess and address tinnitus concerns. Our skilled audiologists conduct thorough evaluations to understand the nature and impact of tinnitus, providing tailored recommendations and management strategies.

  • Should I go to an audiologist for tinnitus?

    • Yes, consulting an audiologist for tinnitus is advisable. Audiologists specialize in assessing hearing-related issues, including tinnitus. They can conduct detailed evaluations to determine the cause and recommend appropriate treatments or management strategies.
  • Is tinnitus a brain problem?

    • Tinnitus is often associated with the auditory system but can involve various factors. It’s commonly linked to issues in the auditory pathways, but it’s not solely a “brain problem.” It can result from conditions affecting the ear, auditory nerves, or brain.
  • What happens if tinnitus is not treated?

    • Untreated tinnitus can impact one’s quality of life, causing stress, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and sleep disturbances. It’s essential to seek evaluation and potential treatment to manage symptoms and address any underlying causes, preventing potential worsening of the condition and its impact on daily life.

Ear Wax Removal

While earwax typically aids in maintaining hearing health, excessive buildup can lead to issues. While online home remedies exist, seeking an audiologist’s expertise for earwax removal is recommended. Trained healthcare professionals equipped with specialized tools can safely and effectively remove earwax. If you suspect an earwax blockage, reach out to Inman Audiology for an evaluation appointment to ensure proper care and relief from any discomfort.

  • What is the best way to remove ear wax?

    • The safest and most effective method for ear wax removal is typically performed by a trained professional, such as an audiologist or an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist. They may use techniques like irrigation, suction, or manual removal under microscopic guidance to safely clear excess wax.
  • Do ear candles work?

    • Ear candles are not recommended for ear wax removal as they pose risks of injury, including burns, ear canal obstruction, and wax further impacted into the ear. Scientific evidence does not support their effectiveness, and they can cause more harm than good.
  • What does dark brown ear wax mean?

    • Dark brown ear wax usually indicates older or more oxidized wax. The color of ear wax can vary based on factors like age, diet, and hygiene practices. In most cases, the color alone might not indicate a problem. However, if there are concerns about ear health or changes in ear wax color accompanied by symptoms like pain, itching, or hearing changes, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for evaluation.

Real Ear Measurement

Real Ear Measurement (REM) is a crucial procedure in audiology used to ensure the precise fitting and customization of hearing aids. During REM, a tiny microphone is placed in the ear canal to measure how sound is received by the ear with the hearing aid in place. This measurement helps audiologists adjust the hearing aid settings to match the individual’s specific hearing needs accurately.

Inman Audiology recognizes the importance of real-ear measurements and always takes the time to complete this step to optimize hearing aids for each of our patients.

  • Are real-ear measurements necessary?

    • Real ear measurements are highly recommended for optimal hearing aid fitting. They provide critical data about how the hearing aid performs in the individual’s ear, allowing audiologists to fine-tune settings for the best possible hearing outcome.
  • How long does real ear measurement take?

    • Real ear measurements typically take around 15 to 30 minutes, though the duration may vary based on individual needs and the complexity of adjustments required for the hearing aid.
  • Which instrument can be used for REM measurement?

    • Specialized equipment, such as Real Ear Measurement or probe microphone systems, are used for REM. These systems include a small microphone probe that’s placed in the ear canal to measure how the hearing aid sound is delivered to the ear. The data collected helps audiologists make precise adjustments to optimize hearing aid performance.

Hearing Aid Fitting

Hearing Aid Fitting involves the personalized selection and customization of a hearing aid to meet an individual’s specific hearing needs. During this process, the audiologist works closely with the individual to choose the most suitable hearing aid style and then adjusts it to ensure optimal comfort and performance.

At Iman Audiology, we adhere to best practices by employing real ear measurements to ensure your hearing aid is precisely programmed for your unique hearing loss. This process guarantees optimal comfort and functionality tailored to your listening preferences.

  • How long does it take to get fitted for a hearing aid?

    • The duration of a hearing aid fitting can vary. Generally, the initial fitting appointment might take around one to two hours. This includes discussing hearing needs, selecting the right device, and customizing settings. Follow-up appointments might be needed for fine-tuning adjustments.
  • How does an audiologist fit a hearing aid?

    • An audiologist begins by discussing your hearing needs and lifestyle. They then recommend suitable hearing aid options. Once a hearing aid is chosen, the audiologist customizes its settings using specialized equipment. They ensure a proper fit and comfort, providing instructions on usage and care.
  • Can you get a hearing aid without a test?

    • A comprehensive hearing test is crucial before obtaining a hearing aid. An audiologist needs to assess your hearing abilities to determine the type and level of hearing loss. This test is necessary to prescribe the appropriate hearing aid and customize it accurately for your specific needs. Trying to get a hearing aid without a test can result in an improper fit and suboptimal performance.

Hearing Aid Batteries

Hearing aid batteries are essential power sources for hearing aids, providing the necessary energy for their functionality. These batteries come in various sizes, commonly designated by colors, and have a lifespan determined by their size and usage frequency.

At your hearing aid fitting at Inman Audiology, you will learn how to properly handle and maintain your specific hearing aid batteries.    

  • What is the 5-minute rule for hearing aid batteries?

    • The “5-minute rule” suggests allowing a hearing aid battery to sit untabbed for about 5 minutes before inserting it into the hearing aid. This brief exposure to air activates the battery fully, maximizing its lifespan and performance.
  • How long does a battery last on a hearing aid?

    • The lifespan of a hearing aid battery depends on factors such as its size, the power requirements of the hearing aid, and how long the hearing aid is used daily. Generally, smaller batteries (like size 10) might last around 3-7 days, while larger ones (like size 13 or 675) can last 7-14 days.
  • Why are my hearing aid batteries dying so fast?

    • Several factors can affect the lifespan of hearing aid batteries. These include the power demands of the hearing aid, environmental conditions (humidity, temperature), and the individual’s usage habits. If batteries are stored improperly or past their expiration date, they might drain faster. Consulting with an audiologist can help determine if there are issues with the hearing aid or battery usage contributing to rapid drain.

Vertigo Treatment

Vertigo treatment aims to address the underlying cause of the condition, which involves a sensation of spinning or dizziness. Treatment options vary based on the specific cause of vertigo and may include vestibular rehabilitation exercises, medications, canalith repositioning maneuvers like the Epley maneuver for certain types of vertigo, or surgical intervention in severe cases.

  • What is the best treatment for vertigo?

    • An audiologist can assist in treating vertigo by performing comprehensive assessments to determine if the vertigo is linked to inner ear issues. If vertigo is due to conditions like Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) or other inner ear disorders, the audiologist can perform specialized maneuvers or recommend vestibular rehabilitation exercises. 
    • These maneuvers, such as the Epley or Semont maneuvers, aim to reposition displaced inner ear crystals or improve vestibular function, alleviating vertigo symptoms. 
    • Audiologists can collaborate with other healthcare providers to create personalized treatment plans and offer guidance to manage vertigo effectively.
  • What helps vertigo and dizziness go away?

    • Vertigo and dizziness relief can be aided by audiologists through various means. Audiologists can conduct assessments to determine if the symptoms relate to inner ear issues. If so, they may recommend vestibular rehabilitation exercises or specialized maneuvers, like the Epley or Semont maneuvers, to reposition displaced inner ear crystals or improve vestibular function.
    • Audiologists can assess if hearing loss contributes to balance issues, as inner ear problems can affect both hearing and balance. For individuals experiencing both hearing loss and vertigo, hearing aids with advanced features like directional microphones or balance-assisting technologies can potentially offer support. These aids may improve hearing and help manage balance concerns associated with inner ear issues, contributing to overall vertigo management and relief.
  • How do you stop vertigo when lying down?

    • For positional vertigo like BPPV, certain maneuvers like the Epley maneuver can help alleviate vertigo triggered by specific head movements or lying down. These maneuvers aim to reposition displaced inner ear crystals, providing relief from vertigo symptoms. It’s essential to perform these maneuvers under the guidance of a healthcare professional to ensure their proper execution and effectiveness.

Auditory Processing Disorder Treatment

Auditory Processing Disorder Treatment offered by our audiology practice focuses on addressing difficulties in how the brain interprets and processes auditory information. Inman Audiology’s specialized services aim to improve auditory processing abilities, enhance listening skills, and provide strategies to manage auditory challenges.

  • How can auditory processing be improved?

    • Auditory processing can be improved through various therapies and interventions, such as auditory training exercises, speech-language therapy, and auditory rehabilitation programs. These approaches aim to strengthen auditory skills, improve sound discrimination, and enhance listening comprehension.
  • Does medication help auditory processing?

    • Currently, there is no specific medication designed to directly treat auditory processing disorder. However, in some cases, medication might be prescribed to manage secondary symptoms or conditions associated with auditory processing issues, such as attention or concentration difficulties.
  • How do they fix auditory processing disorders in adults?

    • Treating auditory processing disorder in adults involves a multidisciplinary approach, including auditory training, cognitive therapy, and specialized listening programs. These interventions focus on improving auditory skills, enhancing communication, and developing compensatory strategies to manage challenges related to auditory processing. Working with audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and other professionals can assist adults in addressing and managing auditory processing difficulties.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss Treatment

Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type and occurs due to damage to the inner ear’s hair cells or the auditory nerve connecting the inner ear to the brain. Its severity ranges from mild to profound and is commonly associated with aging. However, it can also result from factors such as tumors, medication side effects, viral infections, head trauma, or exposure to loud noise. 

Our audiologists at Inman Audiology specialize in diagnosing and effectively treating sensorineural hearing loss.

  • Can sensorineural hearing loss be corrected?

    • Sensorineural hearing loss is typically permanent as it involves damage to the inner ear’s hair cells or auditory nerve. While it can’t be fully corrected, hearing aids or cochlear implants can significantly improve hearing ability and quality of life for many individuals with this type of hearing loss.
  • Will sensorineural hearing loss get worse over time?

    • Sensorineural hearing loss can indeed progress over time, especially if the underlying cause, such as aging, exposure to loud noise, or certain medical conditions, continues or worsens. Regular monitoring of hearing and proactive management, such as using hearing protection in noisy environments, can help mitigate further deterioration.
  • How do you prevent further sensorineural hearing loss?

    • Preventing further sensorineural hearing loss involves protecting your ears from loud noises, wearing hearing protection in loud environments, and seeking timely treatment if there’s an underlying medical condition causing the loss. Regular hearing evaluations and prompt intervention with hearing aids or other devices when necessary can also help prevent further decline in hearing ability.

Menieres Disease Treatment

Meniere’s Disease Treatment focuses on managing symptoms to improve the quality of life for individuals affected by this condition. Treatment options include dietary changes, medication to control symptoms like vertigo and nausea, vestibular rehabilitation exercises, and in severe cases, surgical procedures to alleviate symptoms.

At Inman Audiology, our audiologists offer comprehensive care and support for individuals experiencing Meniere’s Disease. Our specialized treatment approach involves thorough evaluations to assess symptoms, personalized management plans tailored to individual needs, and guidance on lifestyle modifications and therapies to alleviate symptoms and improve overall quality of life for those affected by Meniere’s Disease.

  • What is the best treatment for Meniere’s disease?

    • The most effective treatment for Meniere’s disease varies for each individual. Medications like diuretics or anti-vertigo drugs are commonly prescribed to manage symptoms. Lifestyle changes, such as reducing salt intake, managing stress, and vestibular rehabilitation exercises, can also help. In some cases, procedures like injections or surgeries might be considered to alleviate symptoms.
  • What is the best treatment for Meniere’s disease?

    • The most effective treatment for Meniere’s disease varies for each individual. Medications like diuretics or anti-vertigo drugs are commonly prescribed to manage symptoms. Lifestyle changes, such as reducing salt intake, managing stress, and vestibular rehabilitation exercises, can also help. In some cases, procedures like injections or surgeries might be considered to alleviate symptoms.
  • What triggers Meniere’s attacks?

    • Meniere’s attacks can be triggered by various factors, including stress, changes in fluid balance in the inner ear, dietary habits (especially high salt intake), caffeine, alcohol, fatigue, and certain environmental factors like changes in atmospheric pressure.
  • What test confirms Meniere’s disease?

    • There isn’t a specific test that definitively confirms Meniere’s disease. Diagnosis typically involves a comprehensive evaluation by an audiologist or an ENT specialist, including a detailed medical history, physical examination, hearing tests, and balance assessments. Other tests, such as vestibular function tests or imaging studies, may be conducted to rule out other conditions and support a diagnosis of Meniere’s disease based on specific criteria.

Audiologists and Hearing Aids in Troy, MI

Inman Audiology provides expert audiology services in Troy, MI. We want you to experience better living through better hearing.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

We are committed to working with our patients to ensure no family misses out on precious moments. The most important thing is getting you the care that you need as soon as possible. Don’t wait!

We are committed to working with our patients to ensure no family misses out on precious moments. The most important thing is getting you the care that you need as soon as possible. Don’t wait!